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    The Afro

    Hope for Africa Since 2002, Mansour Ciss Kanakassy from Senegal and Baruch Gottlieb from Canada have been nurturing a concrete artistic utopia: the Afro, a unique currency for the African continent. Material...

    Money doesn’t smell

    In 1993, a trendy neighborhood of newly reunited ex-East Berlin gave rise to Knochen Bank and its currency, the knochengeld (“bone money”). The highly mediatized artistic experiment lasted only seven weeks, but...


    The end of the Taboo on Money Jaromil’s lengthy thesis on bitcoin is a technoetic inquiry that “takes into consideration the biopolitical dynamics that govern the bitcoin community as well specific characteris...


    The Reflection of the Material Human Community of the Internet Upon closer inspection, bitcoin reveals itself to be asking all the right revolutionary questions. The first one being: what is the relationship ...

    MCD #76 – Change Money!

    we grow money / we eat money / we shit money Editorial > The Counterfeiters Our relationship with money is complex, to say the least… On this side of the Atlantic, we preserve an almost aristocratic mod...

    Field Recording

    journey to the heart of an ocean of sound Initially, as a particular field in sound production, field recording was the result of a scientific and technological approach aimed at collecting the sounds of the...

    Musical Synesthesia

    or how to draw sound lines Whenever we describe music, outside of its technical aspects, we quickly revert to a physical, geographical, landscape vocabulary. Is strictly musical rhetoric insufficient, or does ...

    Technical Confusion

    hypnotherapy method... The presence and continuous development of technology in the music field will not have gone unnoticed, yet one could wonder about the lack of consideration as concerns the impact on co...

    Optical Sound

    A transversal label What is the scope of action for a label in the current context where music, is dematerialised but still reified, constantly losing its commercial and aesthetic value in the “mesh of the web...

    Exploring (De-)Coherency

    the dream life of digital letters This will kill that. Such were the words used by a distraught priest in Victor Hugo’s Notre-Dame de Paris to express his anxiety over the fact that books would one day repla...